Causal inference

Now that the distribution of the latent variables are estimated, I’ll try my hand with causal inference, using th PC algorithm.

using Pkg
  Activating project at `~/projects/research/natalia_causality/code`

using DataFrames
using CSV
using StatsBase
using StatsPlots
using Pipe
using CausalInference
using Turing
using Turing: Variational
using Flux
using TikzGraphs
using GLM
using Distributions
using LinearAlgebra
using MCMCChains
using Base.Threads
using BenchmarkTools
using Random


The WebIO Jupyter extension was not detected. See the WebIO Jupyter integration documentation for more information.


ap_entropy ="../data/ap_entropy_ou.csv", DataFrame)
case ="../data/case_ou.csv", DataFrame)
v1 ="../data/v1_ou.csv", DataFrame)
vm ="../data/vm_ou.csv", DataFrame)
vf ="../data/vf_ou.csv", DataFrame);

Since I have a posterior distribution over the diachronic changes, there are various ways to proceed.

The simplest way is to work with the posterior means

d_mean = DataFrame(
    ap_entropy = mapslices(mean, Array(ap_entropy), dims=2) |> vec,
    case = mapslices(mean, Array(case), dims=2) |> vec,
    v1 = mapslices(mean, Array(v1), dims=2) |> vec,
    vm = mapslices(mean, Array(vm), dims=2) |> vec,
    vf = mapslices(mean, Array(vf), dims=2) |> vec

10×5 DataFrame
Row ap_entropy case v1 vm vf
Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64
1 -0.015836 0.240188 0.259927 -0.50958 0.46933
2 -0.587081 0.241987 -0.529696 0.434387 -0.287941
3 -0.745881 0.79275 -0.117156 -0.00798073 0.321854
4 0.0607523 0.0247049 0.610228 0.397553 -1.26498
5 -0.0294164 0.0593561 -0.475766 -0.544955 1.32272
6 0.436713 0.792322 0.659979 -0.419645 0.28013
7 0.127586 0.0475166 0.180979 0.0649245 -0.281607
8 0.120782 -0.0183261 -0.442596 0.00519606 0.355897
9 1.45712 0.777806 -0.55214 0.228028 0.407297
10 0.125889 0.0882851 0.0224346 -0.186445 0.264206
corrplot(Array(d_mean), label = names(d))
plot_pc_graph_tikz(pcalg(d_mean, 0.05, gausscitest), string.(names(d)))

Alternatively, we can use the entire posterior sample.

d_full = DataFrame(
    ap_entropy = ap_entropy |> Array |> vec,
    case = case |> Array |> vec,
    v1 = v1 |> Array |> vec,
    vm = vm |> Array |> vec,
    vf = vf |> Array |> vec
d_full[1:10, :]
10×5 DataFrame
Row ap_entropy case v1 vm vf
Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64
1 -1.07893 -0.526389 -0.510786 -0.535136 -0.603544
2 -0.718301 0.513604 -0.8577 1.56809 -0.896703
3 -0.943592 0.534588 -0.595396 -1.24935 0.552006
4 2.36515 -0.12337 0.133571 0.391609 -1.21302
5 0.128232 1.07472 -0.304634 0.0636439 3.14768
6 0.441998 0.99882 0.767479 -0.330984 0.179163
7 0.199286 -1.56847 -0.761146 1.19747 0.0330949
8 2.11311 -0.517772 0.0161979 -1.00219 -0.375763
9 1.19245 1.46839 -1.13957 -1.12433 -0.124208
10 0.0502473 -1.5388 2.00285 -0.184938 -0.349137

How sensitive is the outcome to the significance level?

plot_pc_graph_tikz(pcalg(d_full, 0.01, gausscitest), string.(names(d)))

The results differ wildly. This confirms my general skepticism about Pearl-style causal inference in such contexts.

The PC algorithm assumes:

Therefore I suspect that Pearl-style causal inference simply cannot be used in typology. We have to look at other approaches, such as Granger causality or structural equation modeling.